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“Encounters with The Real In The Analytic Experience”

Berlin, 11.02.2105

Gentileza Fuentes / Sources: New Lacanian School &  Lacanian Compass

Report of the 8th Clinical Study Days
“Encounters with The Real In The Analytic Experience”
Miami, January 23-25, 2015-  by Liliana Kruszel

We started this working weekend of the Clinical Study Days with a public conference given by our invited guest speaker Vicente Palomera, at the Miami Dade College on Friday morning. Vicente Palomera, came all the way from Barcelona, Spain to work with us just for the weekend, as is customary in The World Association of Psychoanalysis that works constantly for the extension of Psychoanalysis.

The conference was open to the students of the College and the theme was , “What can I expect from Psychoanalysis? Vicente Palomera’s conference touched upon the issues of the “pursue of happiness” and the discontent that comes from the demands of our culture. He mentioned Freud’s text “Civilization and its discontent” and he established a difference between this concept and another such as the “sense of wellbeing”. In the process of doing that, he underlined and explained some psychoanalytic concepts like symptom and jouissance as sources of distress in each subject’s life.

The conference was very well received, as several students approached us to request information about the institute in Miami and of upcoming events. Unfortunately, there was no time for interaction with them as 50 minutes is all they had to attend that conference and then go to the next class.

The following morning the Clinical Study days were officially open under beautiful blue skies and balmy weather.  Psychoanalysts and Psychotherapists interested in Lacanian Psychoanalysis came from Spain, France, Belgium, Switzerland, Canada, Peru and Brazil, as well as diverse cities from the United States: California, Florida, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, New York, Pennsylvania, and Texas.

Vicente Palomera first developed a theoretical background for the theme of this meeting which was “Encounters with the Real in the Analytic Experience”, where he stressed the concept that the Real is to be found in Jouissance, where all meaning or sense is absent.

The cases presented were guided by his always insightful interventions. We had more cases this time than in prior meetings for which we stayed late on Saturday eve, engaged in each one of them with lively discussions. The event went by too fast with everyone feeling sad about leaving Miami, especially when menacing weather was expected for the north of the country.

It was interesting to see so many young participants, attending the event, which added another layer of enthusiasm for psychoanalysis. That was a very welcome addition to the event. The CSD 9 will be announced soon, it will take place in New York, so stay tuned for the details.


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